Regenerative Siloxane & VOC Removal for biogas to energy or RNG projects
Our engineers invented the regenerative siloxane reduction system and continue to offer the latest and most advanced technology of its kind. Directly responsible for more than 50 systems across North America with a 100% rate of success, our reputation is unmatched in the industry. No other manufacturer can match the guaranteed performance we offer.

Continuous Siloxane Monitoring
Real time verification of gas quality
No more manually collecting, packaging and shipping hazardous gas samples. No more waiting days or weeks for analysis results. Monitor your siloxane and VOC levels in real time with ppb accuracy. Better yet, let us integrate it into your siloxane & VOC reduction system to maximize performance & media life while minimizing power consumption.

Guaranteed Performance & Reliability
for landfill & digester gas to energy projects
Whether you are operating engines, turbines, microturbines, a boiler, or a fuel cell, or our siloxane removal system will not only decrease your operating costs, it will increase your efficiency and uptime. Got catalysts? No problem. We offer guaranteed catalyst protection while significantly improving the profitibility of your landfill or digester gas to energy project. Ask us how.

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Engine Driven Generators

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Turbine Driven Generators

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Fueled Fuel Cells

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Engine Driven Generators

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Engine Driven Generators

Guaranteed Siloxane Protection for Biogas Engine Driven Generators
Guaranteed Performance & Reliability
for renewable natural gas (RNG) projects
If you are upgrading landfill or digester gas to RNG for pipeline injection, our siloxane & VOC reduction systems will protect your downstream process and meet your pipeline quality specifications - guaranteed. Ask us how.

Media, Elements, Parts & Service
The help you need when you need it the most.
We offer media, elements, parts and service for all makes and models of biogas treatment systems. Let us upgrade your system to our specialized media blend for improved performance & lower operating costs. With more than 25 years of experience in gas purification, if we can't get your system working correctly, nobody can.

Complete Biogas Treatment Solutions
Your one-stop-shop for all your treatment needs.
With more than 25 years of experience in gas purification, and a network of industry partners, we can handle all your biogas treatment needs including H2S reduction, compression, chilling, dehydration, siloxane & VOC reduction, and thermal oxidizers. Contact us today.

Biogas Filters and Filtration Systems

Activated Carbon Polishing Systems

Biogas Flares and Thermal Oxiizers

Biogas Filters and Filtration Systems